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Gender: Male

Age: 55

Total Times Entered: 364

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1/20 (52 rides)

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John Van Seters

Member Profile: John Van Seters

Member Since: 2008

Victoria, Australia

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Hill Climbs

25 Sep 2011: Don Road Launching place - 17mins 3secs

17 Sep 2011: Warrandyte-K Ground - 13mins 26secs

17 Sep 2011: Kinglake - 22mins 36secs

07 Aug 2011: The half k - 38mins 28secs

07 Aug 2011: #Montrose - Kalorama - 19mins 36secs

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Saved Courses

Circuits & Hill Climbs saved by this rider:

Australia > Victoria > Don Road Launching place

Australia > Victoria > Bailey Road Cockatoo

Australia > Victoria > Trestles Bridge


John commented on Rob Milohanic's time: "I knew someone would eventually take over my no 2 spot , super effort Rob ! Cheers JVS"

John commented on Rob Milohanic's time: "Huge effort Rob a 15 or a sub 15 is stuff most of us dream of up this one well done ! Somehow was expecting to see you down on the gorc? cheers JVS "

John commented on Rob Milohanic's time: "Last bit of training before GORC???"

John commented on Rob Milohanic's time: "Huge effort Rob ! Have to check out that training book of yours! Cheers JVS"

John commented on his own time: "Rode from Launching Place Pub so virtually no warm up , straight into it from word go, felt great all the way through"

Forum Posts

05 Oct 2011 9:18 PM posted in Kinglake hillclimb starting point ???????????

Great idea Nick! Will do next time i am up there, unless there is some one else out there that could do that ? As i am not up there often !

17 Sep 2011 6:13 PM posted in Kinglake hillclimb starting point ???????????

Having been up Kinglake this morning couldnt help but notice that since the bushfires the large 6km winding sign has never been replaced ? for all those who have done the climb over the years they too would know the true starting point ? What about those recently joined up , how do they know were to start ? As this is the second most favorite climb in Victoria does this not need to be rectified???

24 Jun 2011 6:27 PM posted in Riding the Grampians


24 Jun 2011 6:27 PM posted in Brightest rear bike light on the market?


24 Jun 2011 6:26 PM posted in Spamers



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