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Colnago EPS 55cm (2009)
Price: 3900.00
Seller: Dave Hage

Price: 400
Seller: hamid idah

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 II N7100 32GB Unlocked
Price: 390USD
Seller: Mohammad Hafiz

Buy now: Apple iPhone 5S
Price: 600
Seller: edward casteline

Azurri road bike
Price: AUD$800
Seller: Tony Barratt

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Member Statistics

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Total Times Entered: 44

Favourite Course:
Norton Summit (18 rides)

Longest Ride:

Fastest Speed:

Avg Distance per Week:

Daniel Shaw

Member Profile: Daniel Shaw

Member Since: 2008

South Australia, Australia

Physiological Details



Resting Heartrate:


Current Weight:

94 kg

Maximum Heartrate:








Super Hero:


Almost anything but rapcrap


Bike Details


Kuota Kredo


Campagnolo Eurus


Campagnolo Centuar Carbon


Look Keo

Bike Weight:

8 kg

Latest Times

Hill Climbs

18 Jan 2010: Norton Summit (First 2km) - 7mins 57secs

18 Jan 2010: Norton Summit - 21mins 56secs

04 Jan 2010: Kangaroo Creek Dam - 6mins 57secs

27 Dec 2009: Norton Summit (First 2km) - 8mins 22secs

03 Dec 2009: Norton Summit (First 2km) - 8mins 19secs

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04 Jan 2010: Payneham Gumaracha Payneham - 2hrs 36mins 0secs

29 Dec 2008: Lobethal loop - 3hrs 3mins 0secs

14 Dec 2008: Payneham-Glenelg-Payneham - 1hr 25mins 0secs

30 Nov 2008: Payneham Gumaracha Payneham - 3hrs 7mins 44secs

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Saved Courses

Circuits & Hill Climbs saved by this rider:

Australia > South Australia > Greenhill Road (Fullarton to Portrush Road)

Australia > South Australia > Payneham-Glenelg-Payneham

Australia > South Australia > Payneham Gumaracha Payneham


Daniel commented on his own time: "First Ride in 10weeks"

Daniel commented on his own time: "First ride in 10weeks :("

Daniel commented on his own time: "first hills ride in 5weeks"

Daniel commented on his own time: "If only i knew i was so close to sub 20min "

Daniel commented on his own time: "36sec quicker than previous PB :)"

Forum Posts

18 Jan 2010 9:28 PM posted in Norwood Criterion

where does one get a calender of Adelaide crit races?

27 Dec 2009 3:52 PM posted in Rider Categories

and the 95kg+ fat bastard category :)

05 Aug 2009 10:28 AM posted in Adelaide Hill Climbs

Best - Norton Summit (its 4km from home) Toughest (that I've ridden) - Woodland way (Norton Summit) / Corkscrew Road / Skye lookout Scenic - Basket/Forrest Range <em>edited by Daniel Shaw on 5/08/2009</em>

04 Aug 2009 4:38 PM posted in Training time

A work car does suck. I have to bring mine to work each day as its used as a pool vehicle on site (civil construction). Also riding before and after work during winter is very difficult seing that 90% of the time im at work before its light, and I can't remember when I have left work before the sun has gone down. Riding in the dark & cold after 11hrs at work doesn't really float my boat. Struggling to get 150+km a week during winter. DLS though, i try to sneak in 2 or 3 3hr rides after work during the week, helps immensly. Easy to rack up 200+km a week

16 Jun 2009 9:17 PM posted in 2010 Challenge Tour

[quote=The Cheez]I've done the last 5 Coast to Coasts and all I can say is that I'm glad their isn't a massive hill climb past the 100km mark (although next year I will hopefully be in some half decent form to tackle such obstacles). 7000+ sounds like a traffic jam. I bailed on the '09 TDU.[/quote] That last climb this year into Victor was just what the doctor called for after 130km :( !!


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