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For Sale:- Apple iPhone 6S PLUS 128GB,Monorover R2
Price: 500
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Nagasawa Keirin Track Bicycle Full NJS. RARE!
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Scapin Etika SL
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Junior Roadie
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Dolan Carbon Track Bike same as Teschner Track Pro
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Member Statistics

Gender: Male

Age: 41

Total Times Entered: 35

Favourite Course:
Norton Summit (6 rides)

Longest Ride:

Fastest Speed:

Avg Distance per Week:

Andrew Michelmore

Member Profile: Andrew Michelmore

Member Since: 2008

South Australia, Australia

Physiological Details



Resting Heartrate:


Current Weight:

91 kg

Maximum Heartrate:






Super Hero:



Bike Details


Cervelo R5


Campagnolo Shamal Ultra


Chorus 11s


Look Keo Carbon

Bike Weight:

7 kg

Latest Times

Hill Climbs

03 Dec 2011: Norton Summit - 15mins 32secs

02 Dec 2011: Mt Alexander (North) - 21mins 3secs

19 Dec 2009: Montacute Road - 20mins 41secs

19 Dec 2009: Montacute (the climb) - 11mins 50secs

05 Dec 2009: Norton Summit - 15mins 13secs

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Circuits & Hill Climbs saved by this rider:

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Andrew commented on his own time: "Way above the snow line, blowing 30knts at the top, got a flat 3km from the top, but who cares. What a majestic climb."

Andrew commented on his own time: "2nd climb of the day."

Andrew commented on his own time: "On a rental bike, and felt like I eat ALL the pies."

Andrew commented on his own time: "Finally under 14mins"

Andrew commented on his own time: "Training after work"

Forum Posts

03 May 2011 12:55 PM posted in Which is the hardest hill ride in Adelaide?

For me, Coachhouse Drv/Woodland Way is number 1. 4 ramps between 12-17% and then the last one when you are already knackered is 21%. I agree about Kensington Lookout, just doesn't let up. Mt Osmond from the Beaumont side is also pretty tough.

30 Aug 2009 3:28 PM posted in Adelaide Hill Climbs

According to my Garmin, the gradient at the top is 20%. The bit at the end of Coachhouse drive is slightly less ~17%.

06 Aug 2009 4:28 PM posted in Giant vs Scott

For weights you could try, but doesn't seem to be updated too often. I rode a Scott Addict in June for a day and it was a very nice ride, light, crisp, reactive. Probably a bit stiff for longer touring rides, but very nice.

06 Aug 2009 9:58 AM posted in Adelaide Hill Climbs

Yes, Woodland Way/Teringie Drive is bitumen all the way. The beginning of Torrens Hill Rd from Gorge Rd is very very steep, but not too bad after that.

05 Aug 2009 9:53 AM posted in Adelaide Hill Climbs

Toughest: Woodland Way / Kensington Lookout / Mt Osmond from Beaumont, take your pick Worst: Sheoak Rd. Terrible road, bumpy Scenic: Windy Pt or Old Willunga Hill Best: Norton Summit, nice views, good gradient, not too much traffic, good pub at the top :)


03 Jul 2010: For Sale - Azzurri Montagna - Carbon MTB